Posted on July 29, 2016 in News
This ability does not develop itself when we consider only exercises of application of concepts and mathematical techniques, therefore, in this in case that, what it is in action is a simple analogical transposition: the pupil searchs in the memory a similar exercise and develops analogous steps to of that situation, what it does not guarantee that is capable to use its knowledge in different or more complex situations. (BRAZIL, 2002, p.112). When the Resolution of Problems is adopted as education methodology, is necessary to leave explicit that the choice of this option is not restricted only in displaying and deciding questions, but that the agreement of its language is very important, as much in the understanding of the problem as in the conception of the found resolutions, and when the pupil does not perceive the Mathematics as language structuralized in the formalizao of concepts, it does not perceive the functioning mechanisms. 3,2 Symbolic representations: uses and abuses Since the antiquity, the use of symbolic representations was frequent between the humanity, its use age of utility at the time so that the men if communicated ones with the others. The Mathematics for being considered a Science that is present in all the others, it possesss a proper language, and the ones that obtain to understand mathematical meanings are as it was learning to read and to write in another total different language of materna. In relation to these aspects, it is placed that … the fact of the mathematics to be a language (finer and needs that the natural language) that it allows the man to communicate itself on natural phenomena, consequently, it is developed in the course of the history of the humanity since ‘ ‘ sons’ ‘ more elementary, and, therefore closely on to the sociocultural context where if it develops? therefore we speak in mathematical Greek, Hindu, mathematical mathematics pre-Columbian. (D? AMBRSIO, 1986, P.
35) When passing of some decades, these symbologies had been if perfecting and if becoming more frequent. Today, these symbols also are used as representations in the mathematics, in order to inform to who read a mathematical problem the meaning of that it could be written in text form. But, many people are not experts of the diverse symbolic types that are used. Following this same line of reasoning, if perceives that the resources of the communication are basic so that pupils park or advance ahead of an joined difficulty. From the association the metodolgica perspective of Resolution of Problems enters and the communication, we can verify that the pupil, while decides situation-problem, learns mathematics, develops procedures and ways to think, develops basic abilities as to verbalizar, to read to interpret and to produce texts in mathematics.
… Simultaneously, acquires confidence in its way to think and autonomy to investigate and to decide problems. (SMOLE; DINIZ, 2001, P.