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Month: June 2020

Arab Wines

Posted on June 21, 2020 in News

During the festividades a plate competition happens the base of coffee and chicken. The prescriptions are analyzed by great degustadores that analyze each food and choose what they consider better. One of the great avirias companies is the Healthy one, established in 1944 in the catarinense west. At the time of the inauguration the annual total of abates of birds was around 90.000. Today we have a total of more than a million of abated birds in a well lesser time. This company as others had contributed for the generation of jobs when implanted in the Paran. In a great mounted structure they had been able to open the importation of genetic materials, first, incubadoras farms, laboratories, had chance for professionals as zootecnistas, biochemists, and others with qualification adequate and brought up to date professional.

In the year of 1975 the company starts to export the chicken to the Middle East. The initiative was a success. In little time the Healthy group already was the exporting greater of national chicken, therefore the chicken was not appreciated in the Arab culture. The chicken has this enormous acceptance thanks to the innumerable ways to prepare it since the most elaborated prescriptions simplest to. The chicken falls in all the meals well, prepared to the gravy in a simple fried sauce, to the oven and even though as sufl.

(Macedo, Maria: 1998). 6. The COMBINATION BETWEEN WINES AND CHICKEN the white wines for being leavend without the rind of the grape present a yellowish color, with esverdeados and golden tones. They are elaborated with grapes not excessively mature, aiming at to assure a good load of acidity, resulting in gustativo coolness. It can follow the chicken in great style, therefore the white wine presents characteristics specifies to be served with all the types of white meat. The white wines can be divided in white wines candies and dry white wines.