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Box Stairs

Posted on December 17, 2024 in News

She would not be more easy to have only the slope in front of the door? The slope does not exclude the stairs yes! This because the bank agencies are a step the front in the accessibility questions. It has disposal and interest in becoming the spaces in the accessible banks all, but it lacks very. I am made an impression with the lack of accessibility in public building of the city, the schools, the ranks of health. Shaw Father might disagree with that approach. It stows in the CIRETRAN a few days ago and it observed the precariousness of the access. The building is a narrow labyrinth of stairs, doors and corridors.

I asked to the employee who took care of to me as it would be the access for a person in chair of wheels, informed me to it that the person would have that to enter for a lateral access without stairs. I thought: The person alone would pass for the door, impossible to transit there inside in chair of wheels. Without thinking about the constaint which the person would be submitted of to have that to enter for another door and to see the furniture to be dragged so that it had access to the attendance sector, therefore in ‘ ‘ terica’ ‘ door of access for one of the rooms of the building has a leaned table where an employee works. The examples are innumerable, the city not yet are prepared to take care of the necessities of the people with physical deficiency. The sidewalk they are at least, curious. In the center of the city it has places where it does not have stone pavement, but, incredibly, it has access slope.