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Month: May 2017


Posted on May 27, 2017 in News

Imagine that you are gardeners, and you wanted to grow a beautiful garden, an excellent harvest, as you take care of, first of all? Of course, the pochve. to school – is the base, the foundation, the soil in which seeds fall graduation. On as “fertile>> it will be, and will depend on the successful development and education of the child in school. With what and when to prepare the ground? From the moment of conception should be aware of what kind of load we are undertaking and what it means to the parish in our child’s life. Prospective parents need some knowledge in the field of child development. There are two ways – it’s books and courses for parents.

Two things may give the child’s parents – it’s roots and .Korni – a family relationship, happy family, mental and physical zdorove. – the development of creative potential. In a family where there is mutual understanding and happiness is always the first place or belief or moral code, the second spouse (Wife), the third child. The first condition for successful learning – this attitude in the family. The stronger and healthier friendly and respectful attitude in the family, the easier and easier for teachers and parents to find a rapport with the children. Second – it’s absolute, unconditional love and respect for children, the adoption of a child and trust him, the child feels that his love, and never asked a dumb question, “Do you love me?”>>. Must be able to love this show.

How? Through active listening, eye contact with eyes, physical contact and attention, loving tender look in any situation. Third – mental and physical health of the child. It is clear that a sick child will be do worse, and will experience great difficulties. The parent should understand and help. If the reason for poor performance – in poor health, it is clear that in the first place should go to the doctor and take measures to improve – mode, active recreation, a feasible exercise, vitamins, etc. Fourth – this is especially the nervous system, left or right-brain dominance of brain hemispheres, natural inclinations and abilities. Due to the different people by temperament (sanguine, melancholic, choleric, and phlegmatic) depends on the successful training. Best deal sanguine, choleric and melancholic worse, really bad phlegmatic. These features should be considered, see them in your child. Education in school is more suitable for left hemisphere (usually right-handed) children. Left-handed children – a risk factor. Development and health of the child is laid out in three stages prednatalnogo period (conception, intrauterine development, the moment of birth). If during this period were violations – the backlog in school – it’s inevitable. So children need timely additional correction is strictly an individual basis. Conversely, favorable pregnancy and childbirth – good health, character and education of the child. In the first 5-6 years of life lays the child’s emotional attitude towards life and people, the presence or absence of incentives to intellectual development. Adults who are at this time, side by side, belongs to an exclusive role in educating the child. The best teacher for your child – his parents, as well as human breast milk.
